44. I’ve been in Hawaii for the last week, with a best friend who I met on the street in D.C. a decade and a half ago. She and I were among the rare few in a city to make eye contact, talk with strangers, and follow up. We both showed the vulnerability of wanting (and needing) friends, opened ourselves up to the possibility that meeting someone new might be awkward, and took those risks regardless. And man, was that risk worth it. Erin is a soul sister, she has been an honest witness to my life, and has said the hard things that needed to be said in moments where I was at an impasse. We have put in thousands of miles in our well worn sneakers, training for marathons and breathing in the air of Rock Creek Park (and Port Angeles, California, New Mexico and K’auai), filled with gratitude for natural beauty, especially in the season of falling leaves and rushing waters. Her husband took vacation and cared for their three boys so that she and I could take this last week to run, hike, get muddy, snorkle, yoga, read and talk. A reset for the both of us. I couldn’t be more grateful to a couple who always says “yes” instead of “maybe”. Love you girl.